Dear Teacher/Principal:

Our school has registered to participate in the PE Central Challenge. The PE Central Challenge© is a unique program designed to encourage students to practice and improve their motor skills and be recognized for their accomplishments. This program was designed and sponsored by PE Central -- the premier Web site for Health and Physical Education teachers. It is designed to encourage families, schools, and community organizations to help all children become more skillful movers, which, in turn, will encourage youngsters to become more physically active.

Participation certificates will be available to all participants and individual pins will be awarded to those students who master all or most of the challenges. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to improve and be recognized for their motor skill accomplishments. To increase each students' chances at successfully completing these tasks and earning a pin or certificate I am strongly encouraging them to practice at home, before or after school, and during their recesses.

I encourage and would appreciate your involvement with this program in the following ways:

If you are interested in and would like more information about the specific tasks, the criteria involved, and ideas to help your students please let me know.

I appreciate your support of this effort.

Thank you for your involvement with the PE Central Challenge©.