PE Central Challenge

PE Central Challenge©
Media Center: Pictures, Video Clips, Etc.


Red Bullet Pics Home

Red Bullet Hula Hoop
Red Bullet Paddle Strike
Red Bullet Balance Shuffle
Red Bullet Volley Up
Red Bullet Jump Rope
Red Bullet Throw and Catch

Red Bullet Teacher Pics
Red Bullet Black and White
Red Bullet Group Pictures
Red Bullet Parents Night

Red Bullet Video Clips
Red Bullet Wallpaper Images

Red Bullet Brochures
Red Bullet Kids Drawings
Red Bullet What Kids Say
Red Bullet What Teachers Say

Red Bullet Challenge Home

We are happy to share with you all of the pictures and videos teachers have shared with us over the years that showcase the PE Central Challenge in action.

Red Bullet View Video Clips of the Challenge Tasks

Challenge in Action

Hula Hoop

Paddle Strike

Balance Shuffle

Volley Up

Jump Rope

Throw and Catch


Kids Drawings

Thanks to Shawn Fortner, physical education teacher, and the 4th and 5th grade children at Back Creek Elementary for allowing us to take pictures of them involved in the 2000 PE Central Challenge. Further gratitude is extended to Carol Winckler and the students at Stone Mill Elementary for sending us the pictures, brochures, and artwork of them involved in the 2000 Challenge.

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